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Fraud Alert Management

MCB FREE Fraud Alert Management Services for VISA Debit Cards

Every year, billions of dollars are lost due to fraud. As we in the financial services industry strive to ensure that your money is safe and you are not victimized by fraud, so are criminals constantly working on new ways to steal from you.

Merchants Commercial Bank has chosen to protect our valued clients who hold MCB VISA Debit Cards with FREE Fraud Alert Management Services. All debit card transactions will be carefully monitored to detect suspicious activity in an effort to stop fraud before it occurs.

As part of this protective program, some authentic or legitimate transactions you attempt may accidentally be flagged as suspicious. If such a transaction is declined at the point of sale, please call us at (340) 779-2265 between 8 am and 5 pm Atlantic Standard Time and (800) 890-5097 when the Bank is closed. After we verify your identity, we will gladly approve your attempted transaction.

What We Will Do

  • Attempt to contact you on your telephone number that we have on record here at the bank when something appears suspicious.
  • Verify your identity prior to discussing any details about your account activity.

What We Will Never Do

  • We will never ask you to confirm your card number or account number over the phone as part of this process.

If you would like more information about this new security initiative or your debit card in general, please feel free to call a Client Service Representative at (340) 779-2265.
